In Praise of an Angel

On a (very) personal note, today is a very special day. It's been a long time coming, but finally, it is really and truly our time; and it's about time. That's been true form quite sometime, but now, it's *legal*... Well, more legal than yesterday. I'm free, having been awaken from some horrible nightmare to find that while people do suck (generally speaking), and while loyalties, sympathy, trust and faith are often displaced/misplaced, true Love will indeed conquer all. When mean-spirited, petty, practitioners of ugly humanity might attempt to do me evil, it is an Angel who miraculously manages to turn it into good. Angels admit making mistakes and forgive mistakes of others (namely, mine). Even through my mistakes, she assumes my intentions are good, even when they are not the best. Angel knows that my job is *not* to worry about who might be trying to boost her, but to make her "unboostable". Angel gracefully and boldly accepts the converse of this truism, spoiling me in a way I had only dreamed of spoiling those whom I've loved. And she knows it, oozing security in my love for her, with phrases like "She can flirt all she wants. Tell her to take her best shot."

Sometimes, one's "friends" will disappoint, betray and fail. Angel serves as a shining example of how friendship is as friendship does. She enhances my strengths, and minimizes my deficits, some of which she patiently inspires me, motivates me, and shows me how to improve upon. She allows me to do the same, for her. It is blissfully rewarding, on both ends.

Today, I celebrate her. But truthfully, everyday with her is cause for celebration.

More thoughts throughout the day... But I could go on and on and on... And probably will... If I keep adding to this post at this rate, I'll need another separate blog for it, before too long.

But the coolest thing about angels is flight, their unearthly ability to transcend. I've known people who carry every single one of the most minor transgressions against them forever, wearing them like little badges of Bitter Honor.

But even an (nearly) unforgivable transgression, say for instance, inflicting unimaginably horrific trauma on child, can be tenable. Who could possibly let go of even something like *that*, to eventually find balance, inner peace, and ultimately abiding joy? An Angel, that's who. It can be done. So, how can I say "Woe is me" about anything?

God recently reminded me (through a recent sermon) that forgiveness empowers the *forgiver*, by minimizing the damage done by a transgressor. If you can let something go, that thing can no longer weigh you down. Rising above it all, my angel flies. And she takes me with her. Funny thing about flight - It gives one perspective. There is no substitute for transcendence.

Angel's coming to, right now, and Dr. March said the magic word... "Benign". Every li'l t'ing gon'' be aiight. Just like I told her so, and she told me. In a few hours, I get to fly her home. I get to take care of her, for a while... For a change.

Life is strange and wonderful. And God is so very good, as this morning, for the first time, Angel and I prayed together.

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